📜 A summary of the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 📜

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  1. We are all born free. We all have our own thoughts and ideas and we should all be treated the same way.
  2. The rights in the UDHR belong to everyone, no matter who we are, where we’re from, or whatever we believe.
  3. We all have the right to life, and to live in freedom and safety.
  4. No one should be held as a slave, and no one has the right to treat anyone else as their slave.
  5. No one has the right to inflict torture, or to subject anyone else to cruel or inhuman treatment.
  6. We should all have the same level of legal protection whoever we are, and wherever in the world we are.
  7. The law is the same for everyone, and must treat us all equally.
  8. We should all have the right to legal support if we are treated unfairly.
  9. Nobody should be arrested, put in prison, or sent away from our country unless there is good reason to do so.
  10. Everyone accused of a crime has the right to a fair and public trial, and those that try us should be independent and not influenced by others.
  11. Everyone accused of a crime has the right to be considered innocent until they have fairly been proven to be guilty.
  12. Nobody has the right to enter our home, open our mail, or intrude on our families without good reason. We also have the right to be protected if someone tries to unfairly damage our reputation.
  13. We all have the right to move freely within our country, and to visit and leave other countries when we wish.
  14. If we are at risk of harm we have the right to go to another country to seek protection.
  15. We all have the right to be a citizen of a country and nobody should prevent us, without good reason, from being a citizen of another country if we wish.
  16. We should have the right to marry and have a family as soon as we’re legally old enough. Our ethnicity, nationality and religion should not stop us from being able to do this. Men and women have the same rights when they are married and also when they’re separated. We should never be forced to marry. The government has a responsibility to protect us and our family.
  17. Everyone has the right to own property, and no one has the right to take this away from us without a fair reason.
  18. Everyone has the freedom to think or believe what they want, including the right to religious belief. We have the right to change our beliefs or religion at any time, and the right to publicly or privately practise our chosen religion, alone or with others.
  19. Everyone has the right to their own opinions, and to be able to express them freely. We should have the right to share our ideas with whom we want, and in whichever way we choose.
  20. We should all have the right to form groups and organise peaceful meetings. Nobody should be forced to belong to a group if they don’t want to.
  21. We all have the right to take part in our country’s political affairs either by freely choosing politicians to represent us, or by belonging to the government ourselves. Governments should be voted for by the public on a regular basis, and every person’s individual vote should be secret. Every individual vote should be worth the same.
  22. The society we live in should help every person develop to their best ability through access to work, involvement in cultural activity, and the right to social welfare. Every person in society should have the freedom to develop their personality with the support of the resources available in that country.
  23. We all have the right to employment, to be free to choose our work, and to be paid a fair salary that allows us to live and support our family. Everyone who does the same work should have the right to equal pay, without discrimination. We have the right to come together and form trade union groups to defend our interests as workers.
  24. Everyone has the right to rest and leisure time. There should be limits on working hours, and people should be able to take holidays with pay.
  25. We all have the right to enough food, clothing, housing and healthcare for ourselves and our families. We should have access to support if we are out of work, ill, elderly, disabled, widowed, or can’t earn a living for reasons outside our control. An expectant mother and her baby should both receive extra care and support. All children should have the same rights when they are born.
  26. Everyone has the right to education. Primary schooling should be free. We should all be able to continue our studies as far as we wish. At school, we should be helped to develop our talents, and be taught an understanding and respect for everyone’s human rights. We should also be taught to get on with others whatever their ethnicity, religion, or country they come from. Our parents have the right to choose what kind of school we go to.
  27. We all have the right to get involved in our community’s arts, music, literature and sciences, and the benefits they bring. If we are an artist, a musician, a writer or a scientist, our works should be protected, and we should be able to benefit from them.
  28. We all have the right to live in a peaceful and orderly society so that these rights and freedoms can be protected, and these rights can be enjoyed in all other countries around the world.
  29. We have duties to the community we live in that should allow us to develop as fully as possible. The law should guarantee human rights and should allow everyone to enjoy the same mutual respect.
  30. No government, group or individual should act in a way that would destroy the rights and freedoms of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Human Rights Violations:
ourworldindata.org/grapher/human-rights-violations map